Friday 24 October 2014


Whoa.whoooooooooa whoa...Freedom from the last final exam..I am so happy right now..It's over 
Well,but actually holiday die lama lagi..nak masuk bulan december .mana cukup cuti satu bulan!! Tapi lega cause dah habis pekse..Give me a big clap.

saja je upload..throwback gmbr lama..thn dpn dah 15.x blh selalu online dah..nanti ada annual dinner nak gi pick baju yg suitable.kk bye

Friday 3 October 2014

Hoi!!I'm back.So skrg x tahu nk wat pe.So blog je lah yg dpt dipikirkn.KEEP WRITING.DON'T STOP..Apa yg aq dpt pikir tadi aq buat activity on PINTEREST.Want to seee the pictures???
Beautiful right???Seriously I'm addicted to MUSIC.
mesti pelik kan nama blog ni mrs,Imagination??Cause,aq ni suka lukis bende yg out of box.So aq ckp lah yg aq lukis ni sume imagination aq.Diaorg pun gelar aq Ms.Imagination bile aq tgh lukis.
Sebab tu lah aq name kan blog nie Mrs Imagination.
Got it??Antara bendebende yg aq suka;
byk lagi ahh

Helo ,dah balik dari asrama..cuti 4 hari kira ok lah ..and x byk homework pun.Bangga bangga x byk.
Tapi still kene blajar sbb pekse akhir tahun and then freedom...WHOOAA.can't wait.x pekse lagi dah pikir freedom..BLAJAR DULU BLAJAR .Ehehehe nasihat sendiri lak

 They are my friends my bestie..and we are always together...THIS IS US..